Friday, January 21, 2011

Thoughts for a Friday Afternoon

Map of Zambia, Africa

As you ease your way into the weekend, take one moment to think about how your life might be different if you were to live in Zambia instead of in North America.

Canadians, click here.

Americans, click here.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Muuka Medical Clinic Update

The Zambian government has now completed a house on the property of the Muuka Medical Clinic.  This will assist in future medical personel and workers being able to have accomodations while they serve the community.  The bathroom facilities are almost complete as well.  Once all these projects are complete, we hope to see how we can move forward on getting the clinic staffed and running!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

H.E.L.P.'s Hand-Washing Workshop in the Gwembe Valley

The Center for Disease Control makes their stance perfectly clear: "Clean Hands Save Lives".  Well-knowing this fact herself, H.E.L.P. International leader (and Canadian R.N.) Sue Bishop recently traveled to the Gwembe Valley (Zambia) to provide some basic health care teaching in the form of holding a hand-washing workshop.  Many residents came out to hear her speak, show visual resources, and give demonstrations about how individuals can keep themselves and their families safe from bacterial infections and communicable diseases through basic hygeine skills and proper hand-washing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our Brick-Building Machine Continues to do Good Work!

In 2007, H.E.L.P. International purchased a brick-building machine in partnership with our contacts in the Gwembe Valley (Zambia).  This machine was meant to assist with the building project at the site of the Victory Mission Orphanage as well as to facilitate some extra business opportunities for local workers.  The brick-building machine is still going strong and churning out sturdy, uniformly-sized bricks that are made quickly and efficiently.  Here are a few photos of it still in action, along with some of the red-earth bricks drying in the sun after being formed.